This reminded me of when I was on my high school yearbook committee.
I was responsible for designing the Yearbook Cover and the section dividers. Other than the elaborate covers that I put more effort in than the one-paragraph long book reports I wrote, and for extra credit that I never received, or the mimeographed choir assembly programs created in my young artist career in grammar school, I think this is my first printed book cover. Complete with foil and deep emboss on a leatherette case. And Done on Spec. Pro Bono. Although I wasn't aware of a field called "Graphic Design". I just saw this all as illustration.
I was in the class of '83. Not as interesting as the ominous "1984" just coming over the horizon. The committee came up with our big thought-provoking theme. REFLECTIONS. The unknown future gave us lots to think about. But not enough for a concept. Think "Reflections." Hmmm. a-HA! Mirrors! You know. Because they reflect. Brilliant! Jacket meetings were so much easier back then.
My high school yearbook:

It's funny to see so many graphic elements present themselves here so early on that still show up in my work now.
Block lettering. Type in Perspective, Frames. And nostalgia brown.
Ugh. I. am. such. A hack.
I read somewhere that all artist have three ideas that truly interest them in life. And everything they create is a variation and exploration of those three ideas. Hmm, something to reflect upon.

My Grammar school Choir program Design:

Check out the calligraphy, stacked type, alternating colors and curved musical staff. I'm just brimming with brilliant ideas.
And here's an interview with Gall In His Own Words: